Monday, November 26, 2012

Andrew and Mary Kat Ehrenzeller

Andrew and Mary Kat Ehrenzeller are gonna be leading worship for us next week in Israel! I'm sure you've already been blessed by their music in the Israel Worship drop box folder but we wanted to formally introduce them to you! They are an incredibly fun and anointed couple who love Jesus! It's an honor to have them as part of the team. 

Please check out their website to learn more about them. 

Click on Songs for charts and mp3's

Children of Promise

I will Bless the Lord

Who Can Compare

Mighty Fortress

Monday, November 12, 2012

Adam Cates - Music

Adam Cates is one of our bus worship leaders for this mission. Adam Cates lives a Presence Driven Life.  Whether as a husband, father, artist or pastor, Adam relishes in the nearness of God's presence through the Holy Spirit.  With over 20 years experience as a worship leader Adam now fathers a Worship Arts Community in Va. Beach called Big House Church.  Adam is bent on revival and restoring the creative spirit to the church."Click here to learn more about Adam! 

Please click on songs below for MP3's and Charts

Time to Build

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ray Hughes - Music

Here are a few of Ray's songs for you to learn before we go!

For MP3's and Charts please click on songs. 
Heaven's Are Open
Glory of the Lord   Only the chart is available for Glory of the Lord. MP3 coming soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meet Kelanie Gloeckler - Music

Meet Kelanie Gloeckler! She is one of the bus worship leaders for our upcoming mission. 

Kelanie is a highly anointed worship leader with a voice to the nations. We are more than thrilled to introduce her and her music to you. Please check out her bio here ( and get to know a few of her songs that we will be worshiping with in Israel.


 © 2009 Kelanie Gloeckler

Video - Catch the Song
Kelanie Gloeckler


Copyright 2006  Kelanie Gloeckler

Video - No One Like Jehovah
Kelanie Gloeckler

EMMANUEL                                                              Copyright 2001 Kelanie Gloeckler


More to come...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pray, Praise, Proclaim

Pray, Praise & Proclaim Over Israel!
Please post it here!!

Registration is now complete and our team is assembled! 

It is such an honor to be on assignment with all of you who are going with us to the nation of Israel during such a significant time in history. Now is the time to really press in to the Spirit and the heart of God so that everything we do, say, express and feel is in agreement with His plan and purposes.

Whether you are physically going on this trip or not, we invite you to please share any words, songs, poems, prayers, proclamations, etc., that you receive from the Lord regarding this mission! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Sound Soundtrack

Sound has the power to change everything. Imagine a scene from a movie where a woman is walking down a sidewalk. I’ll add some details to spice it up. It’s a fall afternoon and the wind is picking up, making the dead leaves swirl around her feet with every step. The street is downtown in a big city. It is crowded with business people on their lunch break. The woman, in her forties, is wearing a navy blue skirt and a white blouse. Her right hand is clutching the strap of her purse, and she is walking extremely fast. From these visuals what do we know about the situation? Very little. We can guess at what the situation might be—maybe she’s late for a meeting, maybe she doesn’t work and has come downtown to give her husband something at his office. The truth is, we know nothing except what our eyes see. Our eyes simply give us facts.

Now take the same scene and add the eerie sound of a lonely faint chime. Voice this over the background of a futuresque dissonant chord from a synthesizer. Add the boom of a bass drum playing sporadically as if in a death march. Now we feel something. We’re concerned for the woman, maybe even scared and on the edge of our seats because we think she’s being chased. Change the music to a light piccolo playing over the pizzicato plucks of an orchestra’s violin section and the scene becomes more playful, as if she’s running against the heavy flow of people walking the other way. With this background music, she becomes more of an individual heroine whom we’re rooting for. Finally, change the music to the slow, lush sound of strings passionately playing “The Love Song” and hearts drop. Perhaps she is on the way to the hospital where her love lies dying and has only hours to live.

Sound can create a story from dry facts. It stirs our emotions to go beyond facts to feeling. The scene’s meaning depends entirely on how the viewer and the listener choose to respond emotionally and the meaning can also depend on their mood while watching and listening. The revelation that comes to the seer has everything to do with the sounds of the scene.

The woman walking is a picture of the church, progressively taking steps forward, often frantically. The sound being heard as the church goes forward has everything to do with how the seers will interpret what goes on. Therefore, the sound impacts how they will pray, how they will believe, and how they will interpret the activity they see in the church. Is she walking into a season of peace, a season of joy, or a season of being raped and violated by the world? Music is the indicator. Music sets the tone of her destiny.

Throughout the generations of history, the spiritual climate of God’s people has always had a musical indicator. God unveils new songs and new sounds in relationship to the new revelation of His presence in His people. That’s why the enemy fights so hard to counterfeit everything that God desires to do musically in a generation.

The eye gate is as important as the ear gate, for unless we see what the Father is doing, how can we hear what He is saying? The prophetic song in our generation is musically coming into agreement with and accompanying what God is doing and saying (See John 5:19). He has been developing our sensitivity to His Spirit through the emphasis on prayer, intercession, praise and worship, causing His church to walk as a victorious lady in a blue skirt surrounded by songs of deliverance, seeing and hearing with each step the sights and sounds of God’s heavenly purpose.

Our team of worshipers are stepping confidently into the land of Israel this December. We are on a mission to prophetically release a new soundtrack of truth that clearly interprets the heart of God for the nation of Israel, as well as the purposes of God unto our generation. May the accompanying soundtrack of this upcoming scene impact all the nations that are watching Israel, that they might hear the sound of heaven as we simply walk with our God and obediently release the sounds into the spirit realm that He has given to us.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tips For the Journey

God taught David that He didn’t want to inhabit a place that wasn’t prepared for Him.   We absolutely want the Lord to inhabit every second of Israel 12.12.12.  This being the case, we thought it would be a good idea to start sharing with you some tips for the journey ahead, both spiritual and practical, so that you could start preparing now. When we meet together in Zion in December, let us all be ready…body, spirit and soul.

Tip #1:  Walk About Zion

Walking was so much a part of the culture during Bible times. They didn’t have the conveniences of air-conditioned buses, or taxis, or Mercedes.

In spite of enjoying our many modern conveniences, practically speaking, this trip is going to involve quite a bit of walking. If you are not accustomed to walking a lot, now is the time to begin conditioning your body for what is to come. This is a land of hills and valleys and there are more steps than escalators or elevators. Don’t be afraid, we will always move at an easy pace, but we highly recommend that you begin methodically building more strength and stamina now.  Start walking.

The Psalms tell us to walk uprightly. That speaks of walking while holding a posture that enables your lungs to be used to their full capacity in prayer and praise.
Begin preparing now by rehearsing the Psalms of Ascent. Use walking on your stairs at home or at your office as opportunities to prayer walk, and whenever possible to sing your song as you prepare for the journey.  In David’s time the musicians were commissioned to stroll and worship.  Now is your time to become comfortable with singing your worship as you walk and to become familiar with the feeling of intentionally releasing the presence of God wherever you go.  Start walking!

“Walk about Zion and tell the towers thereof.” Psalm 48:12.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Release of a Sound

Numerous times in Scripture Israel came to a point of pending desolation. Enemies would encamp against them with full intentions of devastating them beyond redemption.
Midianites came against them, Amalekites, Amorites and Moabites, Hitites as well as many other "ites".

At the time of Israel's greatest need and desperation some shepherd boy or maiden or a priest, a king or an ordinary citizen would encounter God and begin to worship. As the worship of God began to happen, a strategy would unfold that ultimately would lead to the release of a sound. At that moment all circumstances would change and God would move mightily on behalf of Israel.

This principle is throughout Scripture. Sometimes a single worshipper would be instrumental in changing sure defeat for God's people into an astounding season of victory and favor by a simple act of obedience to Gods promise of deliverance. As he or she would declare even a portion of Gods promises to Israel, God would move according to His promise. Whether the sound was the sound of a shepherds sling put in motion with a prophetic declaration, or four leprous men simply walking unknowingly toward the enemy invaders at God's promised time, God proved over and over His ability to use outlandish, bizarre and, may I add, ridiculous ways to defy the dark and idolatrous enemies of Israel.

There was always a sovereign factor involved and there was always a response factor involved. Those who proved obedient to His strategies and faithful in their worship were privileged to see firsthand some of the greatest miracles in the history of mankind; Joshua at Jericho, Jehoshaphat at En Gedi, David in the Valley of Elah, Gideon in the Valley of Jezreel. He is always looking for obedient worshippers that are willing to believe His promises, move obediently forward and release the sound of their praise against the odds.

I wonder what God will do when obedient worshippers sacrificially carry their sound from California and Mississippi and Canada and Wales and Michigan and Oklahoma and Scotland and Hawaii and Kentucky and Ireland and... 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Israel 12.12.12 Video (Please Share)

Israel 12 12 12

Please share this video and help us spread the word and cast the vision of Israel 12.12.12. Our goal is to give as many people as possible the opportunity to hear the call and join the mission.

Monday, April 30, 2012

An Amazing Addition!

Hey, Everybody, we’ve got some exciting news!  It looks like on 12.12.12 as we worship in the caves we’ll be joined by a local Israeli Ethiopian Choir.  You know, many of the religious Hebrew traditions are still practiced in parts of Ethiopia and the Jewish feasts and festivals are still kept. They practice an ancient form of biblical Judaism and it is believed that the Ethiopians are one of the lost tribes of Israel. Every year Ethiopian Jews return to Israel by the thousands!  The sounds of the nations returning to Zion…how exciting!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sunrise Awakening

I have some dear friends in Honolulu that are waking to 72 beautiful degrees. There is a gentle wind out of the northwest that will remind them that God really loves them. I have friends in Singapore that are asleep on an 81-degree night and the wind, at the moment, is still. It's cloudy and 47 degrees in Miles City, Montana, where my friend John is so thankful for spring that he doesnt care if the wind is blowing or not. It's 22 degrees and on the way down to 7 bone chilling degrees in Siberia, and the wind has a bad attitude. Im sitting on a porch in Alabama, breathing in pollen and thinking about Ireland. In a few hours everything will change, everywhere, because the atmosphere is in a constant state of change all over the world. In a few hours in Jerusalem, daylight will appear at 5:55 a.m., and sunrise at 6:20. It will be 67 degrees under a gloriously beautiful blue sky. The sun will shine on an ancient stone there that is a witness to a sunrise awakening that happened so long ago. That stone is a reminder that His love never changes and there will also be a calm one-mile an hour wind to remind everyone that atmospheres do.
From the four corners of the earth and from all the people that breathe the winds that blow, we acknowledge the specialness of this day. We declare our thanks to the one who rolled away the stone to show us what love can do.
May the beautiful Hallelujahs of Hawaii rise into the heavens like all Hallelujahs should. May the Songs of Singapore and Siberia be filled with praise, and may the wind mingle your melodies as they rise heavenward. Alabama, Montana, Ireland, it's a new day. May all winds that blow, carry our songs across the heavens over Israel this day. Let all the earth declare His glory as the Son shines on us all.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Passover / April 6-14

Hey! Tonight is the first night of Passover! We thought we'd post a little bit about the history and the spiritual significance that this feast holds for us as Christians. Enjoy! 

Passover (Pesach)

The first feast of the Lord is Passover (Leviticus 23:5). The word Passover is Pesach in Hebrew and means passing over or protection. It is the foundational feast. It cannot be overemphasized as to how foundational Passover is in God’s eternal redemption plan.

Passover is the time of beginnings for Israel. This festival ushers in the coming of spring on the Jewish calendar and is celebrated on the fourteenth day of Nisan. Each of the first three festivals—Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles—has an agricultural basis as well as an historical significance. Many different things are celebrated during Passover including: the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the growing season; the new lambing time, and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt during Passover.

The Jewish people have celebrated Passover annually till this day since the time of Moses. Historically, there was only one Passover. It occurred almost 3500 years ago in Egypt when the children of Israel were slaves to the Egyptians. The Israelites cried out to God for help and He heard them. He commanded Moses to tell the children of Israel,
“I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to you as a heritage: I am the Lord.”

Moses and his brother Aaron went to Pharaoh and told him that the Lord said to let the Israelites go. Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites, even for a brief visit to the desert to worship their God. Moses had warned Pharaoh that God would send a series of plagues upon Egypt unless the people were freed.

God did send the plagues to show the people that He is the one true God. The tenth and final plague was the death of the firstborn. In Exodus 12 God spoke to Moses and Aaron to tell the congregation of Israel to take for himself a lamb of the first year without blemish on the tenth of the month and keep it until the fourteenth, then kill the lamb at twilight. They were to roast and eat the lamb the same night and none of the lamb’s bones were to be broken. They were to take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses and none of them were to go out of the door of his house until morning. “For the Lord will pass through to strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.”
Verse 14 says: “So this day shall be to you a memorial and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.”

This was given to us not only to remember the first Passover but to point us to the one true Lamb of God. The apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 5:7 “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us”

Jesus was examined and found without blemish.

He entered Jerusalem and the temple on public display for four days on the tenth of Nisan.

He died in the seventh hour.

His bones were not broken

His blood was shed

He was crucified, suffered and died in the same night.

It is the applied blood of Christ that saves us

Jesus even celebrated the Passover meal. When we keep the Passover we are following the ways of Jesus. Jesus also added to the Passover. He told his disciples that whenever they ate the Passover meal, they should remember Him using the special unleavened bread and the cup. In the Passover ceremony this cup is called “the cup of Redemption.” Jesus wants believers to observe this yearly institute to remember the deliverance of God’s people physically from Egypt, and to recall the spiritual deliverance of God’s people through Jesus the Messiah.

On this revival calendar Passover is posted for a full week. It is actually one day but there is some controversy on whether it is the fourteenth or fifteenth of Nisan. Some celebrate on the first day and some on the second.

The gospels appear to say that the Messiah ate a Passover meal with the disciples on the evening beginning Nisan 14, and John appears to say Jews were having their Passover meal one day later.

The Sadducees and Pharisees disagreed on the day of Passover. The Sadducees believed the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread were separate feast days. They held Passover on the fourteenth as God decreed in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Those of the majority opinion, including the Pharisees, held Passover on the fifteenth. Jesus may have been following both dates by having Passover with the disciples on the fourteenth and becoming the Passover lamb on the fifteenth.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is actually the feast that lasts for seven days beginning on the fifteenth day of Nisan.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Praise is His Path

The Back Story (super short version):
When David was anointed king over all of Israel, his first order of business was something that was a priority in his heart as a worshiper: Bring the presence of God back to His people! The ark of God’s presence had been lost in a battle with the Philistines and then placed into storage for years. All of Israel agreed with David that bringing the ark back was the right thing to do.

Though their intentions were good, they tried to accomplish their plans without the Lord’s input. Things didn’t go well that day. A guy named Uzzah died and David called off the parade. God’s presence went back into storage for three more months.

David took this time to “inquire of the Lord” and to get God’s heart and strategy. He prepared a new place for God and He sanctified the priests and musicians to minister before the Lord. He gave everyone their assignments. Now they were ready to try again.

This time, with the strategy and order of the Lord, David and all the leaders and musicians lined up again to bring God’s presence back to His people. They formed a processional, a holy parade, and placed the ark of the covenant at the back.  David was positioned at the very front. The captains, elders, priests and musicians all lined up according to rank behind him. 

The picture of this processional should be the image we hold as we envision David dancing “before the Lord with all of his might.” I used to imagine David dancing face to face, one on one, before God. But the truth is, David and the leaders were rejoicing and dancing, and the musicians were playing in front of the Lord - God followed behind. They worshiped and praised all the way to Zion ushering in the presence of God behind them.

God was ushered in on the path of their praises.

The Main Point:
As believers, we still have the honor of ushering in and releasing the very presence of God through our praise and worship.

Like David we are all anointed as prophetic, priestly and kingly worshipers. Let us continue to inquire of the Lord, and let the sanctified musicians and priests gather now as the place is being prepared before us.

On this journey to Israel we will be worshiping with all our might “before the Lord.” We have strategically chosen our routes and locations. Our assignment is to carry His presence and, through our praise, release His goodness and power wherever we set foot.  We will declare in every place the song of Psalm 24, “Lift up your heads oh you gates that the King of glory may come in.”

Brian and Ramey
Click here to JOIN US!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Meet Our Guide

Dr. Moshe Bronstein

Our guide, Dr. Moshe Bronstein, a Jewish born Christian and Biblical archeologist, is one of the most highly sought after tour guides available in Israel today. You can trust that Moshe will show you the real Israel and the true biblical sites. We love Moshe and could not imagine experiencing Israel without him. We have no doubts that you will feel the same way!

Moshe is an Israeli born ”Sabra”, a soldier, and is an expert on security and military strategy. In 1967, during the Six Day War, Moshe met with an unfortunate incident of death while fighting to liberate Jerusalem. He was miraculously revived days later and rehabilitated.  The direction of Moshe’s life took a pointed turn because he knew that God had given him another chance for a higher purpose. While he carried on with his duties, he discovered that he could not ignore this strong calling. He followed his passion and love for the land and the people of Israel—the people of God. 
Moshe combined his political and military expertise with his love for biblical studies.  He took up archaeological studies and, after 30 years, has established a prominent name for himself in the field.  He is also still heavily active in raising funds and helping to develop sites, connecting people from all over the world to help support biblical and archeological works in Israel. 
When Moshe Bronstein shares and speaks, you can feel his passion and love for his nation and his God. He digs into the Scripture as only a messianic archaeologist can. He has been dubbed as a modern-day “Indiana Jones,” finding and bringing to life the places that we’ve only read about.  His passion and tireless research challenges us not only to understand our Bible from a Hebrew perspective, but also to grasp the spiritual significance of walking where Jesus and other Biblical figures actually walked and lived! 
Excavations and new discoveries have always brought Moshe much excitement.  When he speaks, you can feel the contagious zeal and love that he has for it all.  Moshe will bring you back in time, turning the clock 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 years in antiquity to relive the biblical events clearly and vividly, thus making the biblical text ‘come alive’ to provide deeper understanding and greater insight.
Moshe always brings us to sights beyond ‘tourism’, taking us to places few tourists go.  You will be on the path as well as ‘off the beaten path’ if you are with Moshe.  He loves to create unique experiences to help you fully know the impact of the place. He unselfishly shares the knowledge and understanding that he has gleaned these past many years.  He lives as if for one purpose…to secure the Land of Israel and to help make it known and better understood.
Moshe has initiated and established many programs, foundations, art centers, and businesses in order to help the various communities within Israel, physically, economically and spiritually.  He has a special love for ‘children at risk’ and helped to establish communities to help support their needs, among them the school of art at the Youth Aliyah Village at Neurim, where children have a chance to uplift themselves into the mainstream of society.  The center for Autistic Children that he helped to found has established more than 28 kindergartens and centers for autistic children.
Most currently, Moshe is building the Moreshet Heritage Foundation- Israel, Ltd., with a strong focus on preserving biblical heritage sites, education and economic development.
Moshe Bronstein invites you to come and share a second chance of life with him!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Israel 12/12/12 Prayer, Praise & Proclamation!

Israel 12/12/12

Prayer, Praise & Proclamation

Join Selah Ministries for this Monumental Worship Event!

December 3-14th, 2012

Answer the call to return unto Zion with singing! Join us in blessing and loving the nation of Israel as we love and lift up the God of Israel. We will be releasing His presence to accomplish His purposes as we worship in priestly courses in the four corners of the holy land.

On 12/12/12 we will strategically converge upon the heart of Jerusalem and gather together in the caves beneath the temple mount known as King Zedekiah’s Caves. Within these caves we will be standing as close in proximity as is physically possible to where the Holy Ark once sat in the Temple. There we will radically and demonstratively praise and worship in the same order and style as King David. We will boldly release our sound of praise in the very heart of Zion!

When God’s people were taken into captivity their harps were hung on the willow as Jeremiah was forced to leave the land. Now is the time! Join us as we return to Zion with the sounds and songs of praise from the nations. We need your expression, your voice and your heart to resound with ours as we embark on this historic assignment. Answer the call and take your place on this mission of prayer, praise, and prophetic proclamation throughout the land of Israel!