Thursday, May 10, 2012

Release of a Sound

Numerous times in Scripture Israel came to a point of pending desolation. Enemies would encamp against them with full intentions of devastating them beyond redemption.
Midianites came against them, Amalekites, Amorites and Moabites, Hitites as well as many other "ites".

At the time of Israel's greatest need and desperation some shepherd boy or maiden or a priest, a king or an ordinary citizen would encounter God and begin to worship. As the worship of God began to happen, a strategy would unfold that ultimately would lead to the release of a sound. At that moment all circumstances would change and God would move mightily on behalf of Israel.

This principle is throughout Scripture. Sometimes a single worshipper would be instrumental in changing sure defeat for God's people into an astounding season of victory and favor by a simple act of obedience to Gods promise of deliverance. As he or she would declare even a portion of Gods promises to Israel, God would move according to His promise. Whether the sound was the sound of a shepherds sling put in motion with a prophetic declaration, or four leprous men simply walking unknowingly toward the enemy invaders at God's promised time, God proved over and over His ability to use outlandish, bizarre and, may I add, ridiculous ways to defy the dark and idolatrous enemies of Israel.

There was always a sovereign factor involved and there was always a response factor involved. Those who proved obedient to His strategies and faithful in their worship were privileged to see firsthand some of the greatest miracles in the history of mankind; Joshua at Jericho, Jehoshaphat at En Gedi, David in the Valley of Elah, Gideon in the Valley of Jezreel. He is always looking for obedient worshippers that are willing to believe His promises, move obediently forward and release the sound of their praise against the odds.

I wonder what God will do when obedient worshippers sacrificially carry their sound from California and Mississippi and Canada and Wales and Michigan and Oklahoma and Scotland and Hawaii and Kentucky and Ireland and... 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this perspective: the importance of a single worship time in spiritual warfare.

    I am reminded of an insight I got in a Bible translation workshop. We were discussing the "4 corners of the earth." I got up and drew on the white board 4 corners, which outlined the shape of a cross. I noted that any geographical location can be the "center of the earth" and that an act can go forth from there throughout the earth ... if the people there connect with the Spirit of God and what His will from heaven is.
